Friday, July 13, 2012

July 4th and Other Odds and Ends

Well, here is our monthly re-cap of what we've been up to!  We went to Grammy and Grampy's lake house for Father's Day weekend.  But before we left, we had to do a little maintenance at the house.  We are great little plumbers!

We also make great chameleons...we need these chairs!

Here we are with Daddy on Father's Day!

And Grace and Daddy scoping out what Lowe's has to offer.

Otherwise we've been busy keeping Mommy and Daddy entertained.  Grace has started walking and is walking full time now, and we are sure Anna is right behind her.  Anna loves to walk behind the train Mommy got us and probably would do so all day every day if possible!  And if the train isn't available, a laudry basket, or anything that will slide across the floor will do! 

We've been to our first bowling ally with Daddy's office.  That was fun!  We also had our first pizza there too. 

We went to Blue Goose with some of Mommy and Daddy's church friends.  The waitress was suprised when Mommy ordered each of us our own kids meals.  We put them away no problem!  But it was grilled cheese, which is one of our favorites!  While there, Grace realized she has holes in her ears!

We also went to Snuffer's with some neighbors last weekend.  Anna liked being able to order off the menu (and eat crayons).

Mommy learned that when Grace is tired, don't give her greasy, or saucy type foods.  Grace tends to play with her hair....especially if she's got pigtails!

We had a doctor's visit to check our ears since we'd both had ear infections recently.  We are doing well!  Grace did find some little pull out things on the table at the pediatrician.  Mommy called them stirrups.  We didn't see any horses though so we were confused why they'd have those in the pediatrician's office.

Mommy and Daddy got to stay home with us on July 4th so we just played all day!  Mommy and Daddy also took us to Walmart to buy us some pillow racers!  Our feet don't quite touch the floor, but we love it when Mommy and Daddy pull or push us around. 

Grace is learning how to strip down at the dinner table.  She hasn't been successful....YET.

We also helped Daddy work on the kitchen cabinets.  We used to be able to open the doors and pull everything out, but for some reason, the doors are all broken now after we helped Daddy and they don't open like they used to.  That is no fun.  Mommy says they booby-trapped the whole house.  We couldn't imagine why they'd want to do that though?

We spend a lot of time playing in the living room.  We love it when we get to play in the laundry baskets!  Grace also has 2 bunnies now that are almost always attached to her hands.  She went to pick up Mickey Mouse, but had her hands full of bunnies so she leaned in and grabbed him with her mouth by the nose.  She doesn't put those bunnies down for much these days!  When Anna catches her off guard and grabs one of her bunnies, Grace does not like that at all!  She either cries, or yells, "No no no no no!"  Grace has picked up "NO!" and "MINE!" all of the sudden and knows exactly when to use them.

Mommy loves how mobile we've become (seriously).  She doesn't have to make multiple trips flying up and down stairs to get us in the same room any more.  We can both crawl up the stairs easily on our own (with Mommy or Daddy right at our heels of course!).  We follow Mommy into the rooms she asks us to come with her to which makes bedtime and bathtimes a lot easier too.   

Well, that is all until next time!!  Hopefully Mommy can figure out a way to get some pictures of us at the pool!  Grace loves to chase little blonde boys while Anna likes to crawl face first into the fountains.  Its tons of fun!! 

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the pic of Anna ordering off of the menu! They're little ladies now and so cute!
