Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!!

We’ve been busy busy since Christmas! Our first Christmas was a great success and we can’t wait until the next one!! We started off our vacation from “school” with brand new breathable crib bumpers! Mommy and Daddy were tired of coming in to find us like this:

Plus sometimes we’d wake up in the middle of the night because we were kind of in a bind and had to be rescued. But not anymore!

We went to an adult party with Mommy and Daddy at Diana and Ignacio’s house. Kevin and Angela were there too. We went to bed REALLY late that night, but we did well, and even managed a nap during all the commotion. Here is all of us minus Diana – she was taking the picture.

The next day we went to Grammy & Grampy’s lake house. Here is Grammy and Grampy giving us our bedtime bottle so we could go to bed and wake up and see what Santa brought!

We made quite the haul with lots of really cool toys that make LOTS of noise. We also got some clothes and really cute boots.

Christmas Day we had a party at our house with all of Daddy’s side of the family and Grammy & Grampy. Here is us with Uncle William:

Us with all our cousins – Anna is sitting with Junior, Grace is with Nick and Hayden is in the middle.

We really liked playing with Hayden! She’s so cool and we can’t wait to follow her around and do everything she does!

Here is us with Aunt Jennifer, Uncle Donald and Hayden (see us watching Hayden – she’s so cool).

Then all the cousins had to take a picture with the 2 Grandma’s.

And here is a family picture of Aunt Mary, Uncle William and our 2 cousins Nick and Junior.

And Grampy and Daddy wanted to get in all the picture fun too!

Here we are with Nick – he was so good with us!

We had a great time with all our family around, and we were EXHAUSTED when it was all over and quickly whisked off to bed. It was a GREAT 1st Christmas!

Anna thinks Santa brought her the coolest new toy ever (she seems to have discovered it over the holiday anyway and now we see it TONS)

During our days off from school we went to Mommy’s work and helped her make some badges. That was lots of fun, and here we are goofing around on Mommy’s boss’ chair!

You’ll also notice another first – Grace’s PIGTAILS! Mommy is SO excited that she finally has some hair to play with. She’s been telling Daddy forever that it will be pigtails all the time as soon as possible. I think the day has come! And Grace is surprisingly tolerant of Mommy putting her hair up.

That about wraps up 2011! It has been a great year, and we are sad to see it go!

But 2012 is sure to be even better, and we can’t wait for all the new firsts that are just around the corner! We are going to attempt a new project and it is called Project 366 (leap year = 1 extra day this year!!). We’ll be taking 1 picture EVERY DAY of the year! The plan is to do at least a weekly post with a recap of the previous week in pictures. We’ve got 3 days in a row so far so hopefully we can keep at it. It would be so fun to look back at the end of year and see a year in pictures. So far its been a great year. We got to meet our 2nd cousins Katie and J (and hopefully we’ll get to be flower girls in their wedding in 2013!!).

We got a new ball pit that is TONS of fun (notice the tongue has made another appearance).

And we turned 36 weeks yesterday! Here are some outtakes of Mommy’s attempt at getting this latest picture.

36 weeks….we’ve officially been outside babies longer than inside babies now!

We’ll be back next week (hopefully) with an update and Project 366!

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